How long have you been cooking?
All my life, but 10 years professionally.
What was the first thing you remember cooking?
Whatever was easy growing up, but my first professional dish was a carrot soup.
How did you become interested in cooking?
I liked the creativity involved in the culinary world, plus everyone has to eat so I knew I could always find a job anywhere in the world.
What is your favorite recipe?
Braised short ribs, anything braised is awesome.
Would you suggest cooking as a job to others?
Cooking is a skill everyone needs no matter what job they choose. As a job, it can be tough, but follow your heart and any job is worth it.
Do you enjoy cooking?
I love what I do and I know that wherever my professional life takes me, I will always find time to cook.
When you were growing up did you have a cooking mentor? If so, who?
The chef at my first professional job was my culinary mentor, but the work ethic my grandfather taught me was the most invaluable thing I learned growing up.
What type of cooking do you enjoy most? (ie, American, Italian, French, Japanese etc.)
Japanese, there is a beauty in the simplicity and artistry.
What is the hardest part of cooking?
cooking is an art and the hardest thing is to listen to people judge what you worked hard to prepare.
Where did you go to school for cooking?
Culinary school of the Rockies, I was able to study in Avignon, France for part of my education.